How to maintain your fridge hygienically clean?

As crazy as it sounds, your refrigerator becomes a good place for the growth of bacteria such as salmonella, e-coli, and botulinum if you don’t pay attentions on cleaning. That’s a reason your food cannot be stored for long. Don’t your fridge make you sick? Start now, make a change to freshen your refrigerator!

Is Disinfectant OK to Use in the Fridge?

Disinfectants – like bleach – should never be used inside refrigerators. As with other kitchen cleaning products, any disinfectant that comes into contact with food could make people ill because of the strong chemicals they contain. Stick to specially formulated products that are safe to use inside a fridge, or opt for natural cleaners instead.

Is Activated Charcoal Helpful?

Well, activated charcoal may works well as deodorizer to absorb smells. However, it works nothing to eliminate the bacteria and virus in the refrigerator. Also, you’ll just have to change it out for fresh charcoal once your fridge starts to smell a bit funky again.

Are Natural Products Useful?

Natural products can be very useful when cleaning a refrigerator, and they are safe ways to keep the appliance clean and hygienic. Regular baking soda can be great for removing stains and absorbing bad odours, while white vinegar is good for cleaning any stainless steel elements, including refrigerator doors if you have a stainless steel model. Just remember to test on a small area first to check there are no adverse effects.

What is the Simple One Stop Solution?

To reduce the hassle when fridge-cleaning time rolls around, there’s a quick and easy way to maintain the cleanliness of your refrigerator on a day-to-day basis.

Oshiner Fridge Freshener, your best fridge mate to freshen the refrigerator and food together. It is a small rechargeable ozone sterilizer that puts in the fridge, which can stand by over 30 days after fully charged. Ozone can sharply kill 99.9% bacteria and viruses to keep fridge hygienically clean and store food fresh at 2 – 3 weeks long.

How to choose a steriliser against coronavirus?

As concern about coronavirus grows, disinfactant, hand sanitizer and sterilising machines are in high demand. Let’s talk about how to choose the right steriliser during epidemic.

UV and Ozone technology are commonly applied for sterilisers. Both have very powerful sterilization. Have you ever wonder how ozone and UV differ? If you want to buy a sterilizer at home, which one would be the best choice?


UV technology what we mentioned actually is UV-C light, the wavelength is between 200 and 280 nanometers. It can kill most of dangerous bacteria and viruses from MRSA to E. coli. Normally, when you use UV lamp for disinfection, you should put the objects closely to the lamp (within 1,5m) . The effectiveness of UVC depends on the length of time a microorganism is exposed to UV (within 30 – 60 mintues at least). Otherwise, it’s useless.

Dust and films coating the bulb will lower UV output. Therefore, bulbs require periodic cleaning and replacement to ensure effectiveness. The lifetime of germicidal UV bulbs varies depending on design. 

Caution: Skin exposure to germicidal wavelengths of UV light can produce rapid sunburn and skin cancer. UV can damage the retina of the eye as well. Remember to leave from the room when using UVC for sanitization. It’s dangerous!


Ozone, the most powerful disinfectant, is 50 times more effective at disinfection compared to the most popular disinfectant – chlorine, and the effects of its action are visible 3,000 times faster. It has been widely applied for water purification, air sterilization and food storage over hunderd years.

Ozone can kill 99.9% bacteria and viruses. It’s been proven can kill SARS and MERS Coronavirus. One obvious benefit of ozone is that the reaction /sterilization is instantaneous as the gas contacts with air/object surface. Ozone has a 20-30 minute half-life in the air meaning that its concentration will break down quickly. 

The only concerns of Ozone is the safety in use. Depends on the contamination level, 0.5 – 2.5 ppm ozone level is adequate for air disinfection. An accuracy control of the ozone concentration is one of the key indicators of ozone sterilisers. Caution: DON’T USE INDUSTIAL OZONE GENERATOR TO DO DISINFECTION AT HOME. Ozone abuse may cause throat irritation, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath.

Oshiner Ozone Air Purifier, with timer included, it can be easily operate and avoid overusing of ozone. The ozone concentration is strictly controlled under U.S. & EU Standard that you don’t need to worry about overusing the ozone and affecting health.

Kind Reminder: If you have asthma or other respiratory illness, or sensitive to the ozone smell, we kindly suggest you to be away from the room when the unit works.