What is Ozone Purification and How Does It Work?

“What is that smell!?” or “Where is that smell coming from?”

These phrases have been much too common in my household. Depending on the room in the house, the culprit was always different. Sometimes it was a stale water smell in the washroom, others times the compost smell coming from the kitchen. Despite my best efforts, sometimes it was me having a secret cigarette break in the laundry room. Whatever the case, the unwanted smells were often easy to notice and often commented on.

I have tried everything to mask or “get rid of“ the smells, but nothing has ever proved to be 100 percent effective. Air fresheners always just masked the smells instead of eliminate the smell as advertised. Cleaners like chlorine or vinegar have worked for a short time, but then your left with the equally as strong and unpleasant smell of the cleaner, plus the first bad smell would always return eventually. I was about to just give up and learn to live with these smelly smells, accepting them as part of the room they occupied, and a part of my life.

That is when I found Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier. Not only did it get rid of the smells, it also got rid of other dust in the air, making each room smell cleaner and more fresh. What I loved most was how simple it was to use! Finally there was no more need to go to buy multiple cleaners, air fresheners, refills, filters, in the hopes that it might clean the air and get rid of the bad smell. Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier is the perfect all in one appliance that really works. Just plug it into a normal house outlet, press the start button, and it starts making ozone to get rid of odor, dust, bacteria and viruses, leaving the air smelling and feeling amazing! The best part is that it has a built in timer, so it will automatically turn off after 30 minutes which is perfect.

oshiner mini air

I wanted to know exactly how ozone worked for purifying the air, so I did a bit of research and I was surprised at what I found.

What I found is that ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. Normally the oxygen we breathe is made up of two oxygen atoms, shown as O2, so to make ozone, the oxygen in the air needs to be split apart, usually using an electric current of some kind. This gives the oxygen the ability to reform as ozone which is shown as O3. Oxygen atoms prefer to make basic oxygen (O2) rather ozone (O3) which makes ozone a bit of an unstable molecule.

Because ozone is considered unstable, it wants to stick to other molecules in its area, such as smoke, bacteria, viruses, fungi, dust and other pollutants. This makes it ideal for sticking to, and protecting my family from bad smells, common colds, the flu during flu season, and other serious airborne viruses! There is also no signs that viruses, bacteria or fungi can build an immunity to ozone disinfection, meaning it will keep effectively working and cleaning for days, weeks, and years to come.

I have also came across some possible hazards that should not be ignored when using ozone in the home.

Some of those hazards being, high expose to ozone can be dangerous for certain groups of people, especially those with asthma causing chest pains, difficulty breathing, throat irritation or even infection. Because of this, both the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) recommend an upper limit of 0.10 ppm of ozone not to be exceeded.

Of course after seeing this I became concerned that maybe using ozone to purify the air in my home was not the right choice. I was quickly reassured when I seen that Oshiner’s Mini Air purifier is made to not exceed the recommended 0.10 ppm of ozone, and also has an automatic shut off timer to limit ozone concentration and also save energy. 

Now, because ozone is highly unstable, it also has a half-life or lifespan of about 30 minutes. After that time it will break down and the oxygen atoms will find a new bond to make. This means ozone is safer to use because it does not leave any residuals like other cleaners such as chlorine.

Also because of its half hour lifespan and inability to be stored because of its instability as a molecule, ozone must be made as it is needed. This made sense as the reason why ozone is produced from an appliance like Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier, and it did not come in a can like many other so-called ‘air fresheners’.

I am incredibly happy with my new Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier, and after learning how ozone works to disinfect and purify the air in my home, I am confident that I have made the right decision. It works when I want it to, turns off automatically, and applies just the right amount of ozone in the air to keep me and my family safe from viruses, bacteria, fungi and bad smells.

I highly recommend everyone using Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier in their home too! Give it a try and I know you will be impressed with the results. Start breathing cleaner air today!


Cristiano, Luigi. “Could Ozone Be an Effective Disinfection Measure against the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)?” Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 61, no. 3, 1 Sept. 2020, p. E301, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7595067/, 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2020.61.3.1596.

“How Does Pyramid Air Protect Ozone Purifier Work ?” Ultra-Bio-Ozone.com, ultra-bio-ozone.net/how-does-ozone-air-purifier-work/

“Mini Air Purifier – OSHINER.” www.oshiner.com, www.oshiner.com/portfolio/mini-air-purifier/

US EPA, OAR. “Ozone Generators That Are Sold as Air Cleaners.” US EPA, 28 Aug. 2014, www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/ozone-generators-are-sold-air-cleaners#:~:text=Ozone%20in%20the%20upper%20atmosphere–referred%20to%20as%20%22stratospheric.

Ozone Applications in Air Treatment and Disinfection

Ozone is an inorganic molecule also referred to as activated oxygen because it is composed of three atoms of oxygen bound together. It is generated by stimulating a flow of oxygen from ambient air, with high energy amounts and causing the atoms of oxygen to split and reorganize into new molecules, oxygen free radicals and O3 (ozone). More than a 100 industries daily use ozone in countless applications. From water treatment to manufacturing processes, equipment maintenance, odor treatment, and preservation of food and raw materials.

Air Disinfection

Usually in the form of a gas, it is largely used as a disinfecting agent because of its strong oxidation abilities. When it comes in contact with bacteria, ozone breaks through the cell membrane and neutralizes the bacteria’s essential components (RNA, DNA, enzymes and proteins) leading to its destruction. Not only is ozone a disinfection agent, it is also categorized as a sporicidal agent (kills spores), an algaecide (kills and prevents the growth of algae) and a virucide (destroys or inactivates viruses).

Log reduction Values

Log reduction mathematically expresses the relative number of cells killed in a disinfectant test

For most applications, a log reduction of  4 is sufficient on average. Since ozone is produced on site, there is no extra cost for handling and storing dangerous chemical substances. And ozone does not leave residue after treatment as the atoms of ozone O3 decompose back to oxygen O2. The gaseous spread of ozone allows to disinfect any surface and reaching out difficult spots. Be with low or high concentrations, ozone is able to kill bacteria, viruses and spores.

Biological Lethal Coefficients of Common Disinfectants

Disinfectant Enterobacteria Virus Bacterial Spores Amoebic Cysts
O3 500 5 2 0.5
HOCL 20 1 0.05 0.05
OCL 0.2 <0.02 <0.0005 0.0005
NH2CL 0.1 0.0005 0.001 0.02

*BLC: high value= high disinfection power


The use of Ozone is very appropriate for medical applications as it is more effective to sterilize large air volumes (like waiting rooms or treatment rooms) from bacteria and viruses compared to other air treatment alternatives. Ozone sterilization is good to preventing the spread of germs and pathogens in patient rooms by cleaning before and after new patients come to the rooms. And certain areas such as corridors, waiting rooms and bathrooms can be scheduled for ozone disinfection at nighttime, when they are free of patients and employees to allow the disinfection enough time to thoroughly sanitize the area. For rooms requiring a 6-log scale deactivation of living microbes like surgery rooms, the solution is to apply and monitor high concentrations of ozone in that room when closed, for many hours, letting the ozone disinfecting the area and paying close attention to the recommendations about exposure time.

Food storage

One of the industries in which ozone is used the most is the food industry. In Oshiner previous article Ozone Applications in Water Treatment and Disinfection, we explained the disinfecting use of ozone in the food and beverage industry. Now we would like to talk about another application of ozone in that industry.

Ozone is vastly applied in the process of food storage as a gaseous fumigant. Starting in the pre-packaging stage of production of certain products such as meat and poultry, and the storage of directly harvested products, like potatoes, ozone is utilized to extend the shelf life of the products by reducing bacteria levels and controlling the spread of different pathogens. By eliminating the bacteria that cause the food to rot, ozone treatment allows to storage of harvested products for longer periods.

Odor Control and Smoke Removal

With the expansion of urban populations into industrial areas, odor control has rapidly become one of the most discussed topics within industrial environmental concerns. This situation is forcing businesses to consider the problem of odor pollution emanating from their factories. With its oxidation power, ozone has proven capable of eliminating different kind of industrial odors with a careful application custom-made for specific odors.

The same goes for ozone application on smoke. It can effectively break down the smoke molecules and separates them so that they can disperse, removing the room odor and smoke, and considerably making the area treated more comfortable and pleasant.

Safety Measures

When operating an ozonator, it is important to know what the recommended concentration levels of ozone are. Generally, any level below 0.1 ppm is considered non-symptomatic, but higher concentrations can be tolerated. For example, exposure levels up to 1.0 ppm can be non-symptomatic, but only for up to 10 minutes. The 0.1 ppm point seems to be the accepted tolerance level.

In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard is 0.1 ppm for a maximum of eight hours in the workplace. Anything beyond that level and, depending on exposure time, may cause symptoms including eye, nose and throat irritation, coughing, headache and shortness of breath.

OSHA has set specific guidelines for using ozone in the workplace and based on time-weighted averages. Ozone levels should not exceed the following standards: 0.10 ppm (parts per million) for an 8-hour work shift:

• 0.2 ppm for no more than 2 hours exposure

• 0.1 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing light work

• 0.08 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing moderate work

• 0.05 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing heavy work

Despite some concerns and warnings about exposure to high levels of ozone, the number of air treatment applications using ozone technology has increased significantly in recent years. Whether for public spaces disinfection, food storage or industrial odors control, ozone is proving to very useful in various industries.


‘ https://www.oshiner.com/ozone-applications-in-water-treatment-and-disinfection/

‘ https://www.ozone-academy.com/knowledge-base/industrial-air-treatment/?lang=en

‘ https://www.gov.nl.ca/ecc/files/waterres-training-adww-treatmentalternatives-pres02-amir-salama-ozone.pdf

‘ https://www.oz-air.com/air-disinfection.html#

‘ https://www.ozonetech.com/applications/odor-sanitation/smoking-rooms/

‘ http://wcponline.com/2002/10/21/air-water-interesting-uses-ozone-home/

‘ http://wcponline.com/2020/08/15/residential-ozone-applications/

‘ https://www.osha.gov/chemicaldata/

ozone applications - oshiner

Ozone Applications in Water Treatment and Disinfection

When we talk about “ozone”, we generally have in mind the ozone layer that covers the Earth’s atmosphere and protects its surface from ultraviolet rays. But ozone is also a component long mastered by men, that has proven useful in numerous applications. Although controversial, ozone has been used in different industries over time, and has in recent years gained market for domestic use. Let us take a look at different ways ozone is used in for water treatment and disinfection.

Ozone is an inorganic molecule also referred to as activated oxygen because it is composed of three atoms of oxygen bound together. It is generated by stimulating a flow of oxygen from ambient air, with high energy amounts and causing the atoms of oxygen to split and reorganize into new molecules, oxygen free radicals and O3 (ozone). More than a 100 industries daily use ozone in countless applications. From water treatment to manufacturing processes, equipment maintenance, odor treatment, and preservation of food and raw materials.

Disinfecting Properties

Usually in the form of a gas, it is largely used as a disinfecting agent because of its strong oxidation abilities. When it comes in contact with bacteria, ozone breaks through the cell membrane and neutralizes the bacteria’s essential components (RNA, DNA, enzymes and proteins) leading to its destruction. Not only is ozone a disinfection agent, it is also categorized as a sporicidal agent (kills spores), an algaecide (kills and prevents the growth of algae) and a virucide (destroys or inactivates viruses).

Water Treatment

Ozone is often used in water treatment as a disinfectant. One of its main advantage is that it does not leave residues or byproducts after its application. In normal water, the half-life of ozone is from 10 to 20 minutes while in wastewater, ozone disappears after 9 seconds because it reacts to the particles and debris present in the wastewater. The use of ozone for disinfecting water reduces the need for chemical involvement and spending cost. Ozone is used to treat drinking water, industrial wastewater, it is also used for treatment of cooling towers, for ground water remediation and even in the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) industry among other things. Ozone is also effective to remove colors and bad odors from ground water and wastewater.

Food and Beverage Industry

The second prominent use of ozone is found in the food and beverage industry. Ozone eliminates germs and bacteria the moment it comes in contact with them. Since it can be produced on site, it is a good alternative to other disinfection and sterilization methods. The particularity of ozone is that its application is non residual and does not affect the taste or smell of food such as dairy products. And its oxidation is applied on fruits and vegetable to prolong their life and reduce food production waste. In addition to treating water and food, ozone is utilized to sanitize and sterilize food plants surfaces and equipment.

Oxidation of metal

When they are not oxidized, metals such as iron are quick to pass through mechanical filtration and end their course in water sources. Once there, it is a difficult process to remove them from these waters. So to avoid this situation, oxidation before filtration is necessary for such metal. But the use of traditional oxidizers such as permanganate are costly, residual and have to be closely monitored while with ozone, the oxidation time is quicker at a low dosing. Not only is ozone as effective but it is also less costly.

In the recent years, ozone has proven to be an efficient alternative to numerous commonly used chemicals in water treatment. Used as a disinfectant or oxidizer, it is a very practical element that is making its way into domestic use through portable ozone generator devices. But is water treatment the only domain of application for ozone? To answer this question do not forget to check out our future article part 2, ozone application in air treatment.




Question: The Higher The Ozone Concentration, The Better?

In order to test for the effectiveness of ozone in reducing airborne bacteria, a conference room with area about 12㎡ was selected for testing. For safety, the disinfection process was carried out when humans, animals and plants were evacuated. 

Depends on the size of the room, an ozone generator with 50mg/hr output (Oshiner Ozone Air) was chosen. The capacity of the chosen ozone generator has the ability to maintain high concentration of ozone (0.5 – 5 ppm) inside. Circulation fan was placed in the room to ensure good distribution of ozone. After closing all the windows and doors, the ozone generator was turned on to begin ozonation process. Different levels of ozone (0.5, 2.5 and 5 ppm) were tested to determine the optimal value for killing as much microorganisms as possible. After turning off the ozone generator, ozone level began to drop as it was undergoing self-decomposition to oxygen.

In general, ozone concentration drops to below 0.02 ppm in a hour after ozonation, therefore we should wait for at least one hour (after turning off the generator) before entering the “ozonated” room. 

As shown in the figure, the ozone concentration raise very slowly in the initial period (the first few minutes). The delay in building up the ozone concentration is probably due to the consumption of ozone for oxidizing pollutants (including bacteria and viruses) in the initial period. After oxidizing the major pollutants, ozone concentration inside the room raise rapidly up to the desired level. To ensure entire room disinfection, high level of ozone was maintained for 30 minutes. When ozone generator was off, the ozone concentration dropped gradually as ozone converting back to oxygen. 

The total airborne bacteria in the conference room was measured before and after each ozonation. The disinfection efficiency of ozonation at different concentration was tabulated in Table 1.

Ozone Concentration0.5ppm2.5ppm5ppm
Before Ozonation 592 CFU/m3 612 CFU/m3 552 CFU/m3
After Ozonation 169 CFU/m3 42 CFU/m3 57 CFU/m3
Reduction % 71.5% 93.1% 89.6%

The results show that ozone is effective in reducing airborne bacteria. At higher ozone level, the sanitizing effect increased. Over 90% of airborne bacteria could be reduced at 2.5 ppm concentration. Further increase of ozone concentration to 5 ppm does not beneficial in bacteria reduction percentage.

Why the result is not 99.9%?

High removal percentage could not be achieved because the room was not 100% sealed. Doors should be opened briefly during each air sampling and air exchange from outside was unavoidable. For safety reason, excessive high concentration ozone should be avoided and the lowest ozone concentration that could kill most of the microorganisms should be selected as optimum. Depends on the contamination level, 0.5 – 2.5 ppm ozone level is adequate for air disinfection.


Experimental data shows that ozone is effective in reducing airborne bacteria of unoccupied room. Over 90% of airborne bacteria could be reduced after ozonation. As viruses are generally more susceptible to ozone than bacteria, it could assume that all viruses are killed if large percentage of airborne bacteria are removed. Ozone is a gas that has good penetration capacity and powerful oxidizing power, thus its disinfection efficiency is superior to UV radiation and HEPA filter. As ozone disinfection is conducted in unoccupied room only and all the residual ozone will be decomposed after the treatment, ozone toxicity to human is therefore not a concern. Given the advantages of strong oxidizing power, good penetration capacity and no harmful residues left after the treatment.

Ozone Generator Market Driven By Rapid Industrialization Across Developing Economies

The original article is from MarketWatch.

Ozone generators find extensive applications across a broad range of industries, with air treatment and water treatment being among most prominent ones. Manufacturers of ozone generators are constantly focusing on product innovations to introduce advanced and more efficient products. For instance, in 2017, Toshiba had launched the TGOGSTM range of compact ozone generators designed for optimum efficiency. These generators can be customized as per the particular needs of customers and can be used to treat drinking water as well as recycled municipal and industrial wastewater.

Ozone generators are also widely used in the automotive sector to improve the in-vehicle air quality. In May 2020, a car rental company on Spain’s Costa Del Sol announced that it is utilizing ozone generators to disinfect cars in wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

Driven by a positive application outlook in air treatment, water treatment, and aquaculture, global ozone generator market size is slated to surpass a valuation of US$450 million by 2026. Let’s take a look at some of the top trends impacting the product penetration in the near future.

In terms of the capacity, the demand for 5mg/hr – 100mg/hr ozone generators is expected to grow substantially over the next few years. This can be mainly linked with a growing focus towards improving the quality of indoor air across residential and commercial establishments. Ozone generator manufacturers are aiming to design innovative solutions with advanced instrumentation features to monitor pH, temperature, ammonia, dissolved oxygen, and water flow.

Ozone generator technologies can be bifurcated into electrolytic, ultraviolet, corona discharge, and cold plasma. Electrolytic ozone generators are increasingly gaining prominence in water treatment applications, which can be associated with growing urbanization and surging demand for clean and fresh drinking water.

Prominent use in ozone air treatment

In addition to air treatment and water treatment, ozone generation technologies are used in laboratory and medical equipment, food processing, pulp bleaching, aquaculture and fish farming, produce storage facilities, and organic synthesis. With growing focus towards improving the urban indoor air quality (IAQ), the product in air treatment applications is set to grow exponentially.

Ozone air treatment is used for air disinfection and odor control in kitchen exhausts, grease traps, VOC treatment, and garbage rooms. While air treatment applications will continue to augment ozone generator market forecast, the product is bound to witness growing adoption in aquaculture and fish farming since it has a quick reaction rate and produces fewer hazardous by-products.

MEA to emerge as a major revenue terrain

Considering the geographical landscape, Middle East and Africa (MEA) ozone generator industry is well poised to witness lucrative growth opportunities in the future. The regional growth can be attributed to recent trends in urbanization and commercialization. Meanwhile, robust industrial development in Latin American countries will positively influence the regional demand for ozone generators.

Governments in these regions are actively spending on the development of municipal as well as industrial wastewater treatment infrastructure. Several countries have tightened the regulations pertaining to discharge of wastewater.

Ozone generation technologies will continue to play a prominent role in air and water treatment, considering the surging demand for clean indoor air and fresh water in the upcoming years. Manufacturers are bound to witness substantial opportunities from additional applications such as ozone bleaching in the pulp bleaching industry.

How to maintain your fridge hygienically clean?

As crazy as it sounds, your refrigerator becomes a good place for the growth of bacteria such as salmonella, e-coli, and botulinum if you don’t pay attentions on cleaning. That’s a reason your food cannot be stored for long. Don’t your fridge make you sick? Start now, make a change to freshen your refrigerator!

Is Disinfectant OK to Use in the Fridge?

Disinfectants – like bleach – should never be used inside refrigerators. As with other kitchen cleaning products, any disinfectant that comes into contact with food could make people ill because of the strong chemicals they contain. Stick to specially formulated products that are safe to use inside a fridge, or opt for natural cleaners instead.

Is Activated Charcoal Helpful?

Well, activated charcoal may works well as deodorizer to absorb smells. However, it works nothing to eliminate the bacteria and virus in the refrigerator. Also, you’ll just have to change it out for fresh charcoal once your fridge starts to smell a bit funky again.

Are Natural Products Useful?

Natural products can be very useful when cleaning a refrigerator, and they are safe ways to keep the appliance clean and hygienic. Regular baking soda can be great for removing stains and absorbing bad odours, while white vinegar is good for cleaning any stainless steel elements, including refrigerator doors if you have a stainless steel model. Just remember to test on a small area first to check there are no adverse effects.

What is the Simple One Stop Solution?

To reduce the hassle when fridge-cleaning time rolls around, there’s a quick and easy way to maintain the cleanliness of your refrigerator on a day-to-day basis.

Oshiner Fridge Freshener, your best fridge mate to freshen the refrigerator and food together. It is a small rechargeable ozone sterilizer that puts in the fridge, which can stand by over 30 days after fully charged. Ozone can sharply kill 99.9% bacteria and viruses to keep fridge hygienically clean and store food fresh at 2 – 3 weeks long.