Ozone And Pets

Ozone gas is all around us. It is in our planet’s stratosphere and in the air we breathe. Ozone is also a very common disinfectant used in water, air and surface sterilization to keep the things we use everyday safe from harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, minerals and other contaminates. Ozone can be utilized as a sterilizer in nearly any industry from transportation to home care and everything in between. Guidelines are put in place to keep ozone concentration under a certain limit when it is being used in an area occupied by anyone. When ozone concentration is over the specified limit, the people in the immediate area may experience some discomfort. We know this, it has been tested, limits defined, regulations put in place, and the cleaning power of ozone harnessed safely and effectively. One area of concern that may be present in the lives of many, is the safety of ozone around pets and animals.

Can ozone clean the messes brought upon us by our furry friends? Are animals more sensitive to even lower concentrations of ozone? And finally, how effective is as an cleaner compared to any of the other common cleaners we usually use to clean our animal companions’ messes? Let’s learn more about how we can use ozone more safely and effectively, making sure all of our family is living in a safe and comfortable environment.

Animal Safety

The regulations and guidelines set by governing bodies in each country regard the safe limit of ozone concentration around people and pets to be around 0.1ppm (parts per million). This is considered to be the standard for most of North America and Europe. Any higher than 0.1ppm is considered excessive, less than 0.1ppm would make the ozone less effective as a sterilizer. So at the international standard of 0.1ppm, is this level of ozone concentration safe for animals? Not only is 0.1ppm of ozone safe for animals, it is also being offered as therapy!

Hydrotherapy, is the process of pumping a basin full of water with ozone and placing usually voluntary animals into the water carefully so that the ozone infused water can coat their skin. This ozone infused water is believed to improve micro-circulation. This process leads to boosting oxygen into the animals skin, which also relieves inflammation, and alleviates infection. This type of process is being offered at more and more veterinaries across North America and Europe. 

Cleaning Applications

From the magnitude of mess that a pet is capable of, to the frequency and sometimes repulsiveness, how can ozone possibly and effectively clean up after an animal? In certain areas and environments, messes may be purely due to nature. Having a large or small pet animal normally means regular traveling outside and then coming back into your home, or even making messes while just staying in the home. Will ozone be prepared for these types of clean ups? Yes, and in more ways than you may think. For example, when our beloved animal companions come back with a skunk smell, ozone can be used to more effectively remove the smell without the need of any heavy cleaners, or chemicals, or even messier tomato sauces.

Ozone can also remove dirt from the skin gently and safely along with each bath time when our curious critters go sneaking out and come back covered in whatever else that isn’t their natural skin colour. It does so with a nice mist of ozone infused water as a spray or gas cloud. Then the messes and odors are said to be more easily washed or even seemingly dissolved away.

Compared to other Common Cleaners

To put this into perspective, let’ s compare how ozone would deal with similar messes compared to the ones that we would normally use to clean with. These types of products are more chemically manufactured and mass-produced cleaning products. Alcohol is commonly used to treat wounds on animals and humans. Using alcohol routinely to treat singular areas on skin often also causes dryness and burning to that area over time. Ozone disinfects gently over the wound, leaving the skin healthy and allowing it to repair more quickly in less time.

Bleach and other multi-purpose cleaners are used to clean up after animal and human areas when we want to kill viruses and bacteria. Ozone is also prepared to take this challenge with a more soft and gentle approach. Ozone has the ability to kill 99.99% of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasitic organisms in a similar way it is being used to treat wounds, clouds of ozone gas and ozone infused water mists.  

Those of us who are willing to choose to adopt pets into our homes do so because of the love we have for that or those animals. Those animals then become a part of our families, and they also deserve all of the care, love and support that we are able to provide. Pets can be more sensitive than ourselves to the environment that we provide of them. We need to think about what is best for all of us, without cutting corners. Everyone deserves the right to a safe, healthy and comfortable living environment. The next time you go to clean up after your pet, think about if you are doing the best job possible. Are you really giving them the safe, clean space that they deserve as being a fellow family member, or could their space be even more clean, even more healthy, giving them an even more comfortable life. Do what is best for yourself, do what is best for your family, including your pets, and instead of cleaning with harmful chemicals, try sterilizing with ozone.

Ozone vs Odors

When it comes to disinfection and home care, ozone has many applications and uses to keep your home, car or workplace environment clean, healthy and smelling fresh. Modern ozone generators are able to produce safe levels of ozone concentration that are still powerful enough to catch and kill 99.99% of germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other common contaminates. Ozone has the power to clean and eliminate some of the most dangerous microscopic home invaders, the ones so small that they are invisible. This is impressive of course, but how does ozone work against smells? What are smells, how are they made, and are bad smells immune to the disinfecting power of ozone?

Ozone is something that we hear mentioned regularly, but what exactly is ozone? The ozone that we commonly hear about in the news is most likely referring to the ozone layer. The ozone layer in the sky acts as a barrier between our atmosphere and space. The ozone in the sky helps to block harmful UV rays admitted by the sun, keeping our planet cool and temperatures stable. Ozone is a naturally occurring molecule containing three oxygen atoms. The oxygen that we usually breathe has two oxygen atoms, but when the oxygen is separated by a catalyst, it will sometimes rejoin into groups of three, creating ozone.

The most common catalysts to separate oxygen into individual atoms is electricity and UV light. Electricity at a high enough voltage is able to separate each oxygen molecule into its individual parts, and then because of oxygen’s atomic characteristics, the oxygen will rejoin into ozone or standard oxygen. The ozone is then utilized as a disinfectant and can be used around the house or on the go to clean the air, water or surface contaminates. Ozone as a gas is very unstable and it wants to break down into standard oxygen with two oxygen atoms instead of three. The spare oxygen atom from ozone is then passed to other molecules and used to break those molecules down or alter them so that they are not harmful to humans.

What causes odors?

Ever walk into a room and notice a lingering smell or odor that is unpleasant or unwanted. Most common household odors are caused by a source, and that source is usually bacteria or a manufacturing byproduct. Some bacteria produce gases that are pungent and extremely foul smelling. These bacteria stockpiles are usually found in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, basements and home offices. A lot of smelly bacteria stockpiles are hard to find, as in most cases they are invisible to the human eye or in hard-to-reach areas. The longer these germ depots sit and fester, the more offensive the smells can become. These types of odors are nearly impossible to hide, no matter how much air freshener you spray, the smell will always return unless it is dealt with at the source.

How does ozone eliminate odors?

We know that common household odors are usually caused by a bacteria source. We also know that ozone is a great, highly-effective natural disinfectant. Ozone can be utilized in multiple ways to work at finding and eliminated the hard-to-find, hard-to-reach bacteria piles. Lets look at how ozone can be used to disinfect all three states of matter; Liquid or water, gas or air, and solid or common household surfaces.


Ozone generators for purifying water work especially well by not only cleaning the water, but also cleaning other objects that come in contact with the purified water. Ozone gas in water eliminates the contaminates hiding in the water, which could be bacteria, parasites, viruses, gases and some heavy metals or minerals. Ozone gas in water has a lifespan or half-life of about 30 minutes, meaning during that 30 minutes, the ozone is still working and cleaning any contaminates that may be in the water, or any contaminate that comes in contact with the ozone charged water. Ozone in water is perfectly fine for consumption, after 30 minutes or so, the ozone will have completely broken down, cleaned nearly all contaminates, and dissolve back into pure oxygen and clean H2O.

? Air

Purifying the air with ozone is becoming more and more common in households and workplaces that are constantly occupied by people. Ozone generators that are designed to purify the air in areas with high amounts of human traffic, generate ozone concentration levels that are safe for people but not for germs. These types of generators turn on only when they are needed and easily turn off by a push of a button or by a preset timer. These ozone disinfectors are great for any indoor space that accumulate bacteria and smells, such as kitchens, washrooms, basements and offices.

? Surface

Even commonly used surfaces can be disinfected using ozone. Ozone can be used along with water to disinfect all types of surfaces. The ozone water mixture can be applied to counter tops, tables, chairs, door handles, appliances, glassware, anywhere that could potentially harbour germs or viruses.

While there are many ways today to disinfect all areas of your home, car or workplace, there are not many products that can disinfect all areas effectively. Ozone is one of those products that CAN disinfect all types of living or working spaces, especially in areas that are hard-to-reach and hard-to-see. Bacteria hiding in these hard-to-reach and hard-to-see areas often produce foul smells and lingering odors, effecting the overall environment in that space. Get rid of germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi and SMELLS using ozone disinfection. Ozone generators can be utilized for effectively disinfecting all states of matter, and does it easily and worry-free. Use the cleaning power of ozone and transform the quality of your life today.

The Safety of Ozone

There is some debate over the safety of using ozone as an effective cleaner and sterilizer in homes. There have been tests and reports on the safe levels of ozone concentration and levels where ozone concentration can interfere with a person’s health. When levels of ozone are above the safety threshold, ozone can irritate with a person’s breathing, causing discomfort, nausea, dizziness etc. These symptoms only occur when a person comes in direct contact with relatively high concentrations of ozone. With today’s technology, using ozone in close proximity to people is done safely, with ozone concentrations maintained at a level below the safety threshold, making it extremely safe to use around homes for general cleaning.

On the other hand, cleaners that are commonly used today in the majority of households are much more dangerous than ozone by comparison. Common products, such as bleach and other petroleum, acid and/or alcohol-based cleaners pose much higher immediate and long term health risks that should not be over looking. Such cleaners have the potential and are known to irritate and damage a person’s skin, eyes, breathing and internal organs. For years we have put up with the obvious dangers of these cleaning products because of cost, availability or stigma that ozone may not work as well as the harmful products. So, how does ozone compare with the other more common cleaners in terms of safety and effectiveness?

Skin Contact

While cleaning, it is extremely common to use some sort of cleaning product. Whether it is for cleaning eating surfaces, kitchen counters, washrooms, or other high-use areas, disinfecting these places contribute to an overall clean environment. Ironically, most of the more popular cleaning products used for these places are highly toxic and require special precautions for handling them. In commercial kitchens and restaurants for instance, it is common practice for these types of cleaners to come with extremely detailed instructions for dealing with the potentially dangerous chemicals found in these cleaning products. Next time you see a bottle of cleaner at a store, you will also most likely find a condensed form these warning labels printed onto the back of the bottle, with suggested proper handling and emergency instructions.

ozone cleaning is 100% skin friendly

In contrast, using Ozone is considered to be very safe to handle, as it is not a known skin irritant. This means Ozone can come into direct contact with a person with sensitive skin, and their skin will be unaffected. Imagine cleaning all of the same surfaces, counter tops, wash basins, dishes, appliances, with no risk to your skin, with all the same cleaning power, plus more.

Lung and Breathing

As mentioned before, ozone has a safety threshold where it is safe to be around while under a specific level of concentration, and dangerous when the concentration is over that limit. The technology used to generate ozone for the use of cleaning in a home is designed to keep the ozone produced under the dangerous concentration limit, while still making it an effective cleaner. Common household cleaners are also considered safe to use under certain conditions. Some household cleaners require the space to be well ventilated while cleaning, as well as require the use of face masks or other protective equipment if necessary. If using these cleaners without proper ventilation, similar and other more serious side effects to those of high ozone concentration levels may occur.

Likewise, while using ozone as a disinfectant, the area may also be well ventilated, but it is not always necessary. Alternatively, there is no need for the use of special protective equipment when using ozone for the purpose of cleaning in and around a home. After use, ozone simply breaks down into oxygen so there is no reason to be fearful of lingering toxic gases.


One thing everyone knows not to do, is to drink anything used as a cleaner. Many cleaners have the warnings printed directly on the bottles, front and back, saying “DO NOT INGEST”. We keep these potentially harmful chemicals away from children and pets, so they are not accidentally or mistakenly ingested. If these types of products are ingested, they can cause serious and even life threatening consequences. It is particularly important to keep these products in a safe and secure place so that they are not easily accessible.

How does ozone compare? Ozone charged water which is used to disinfect washing and drinking water, as well as clean surfaces is completely safe to consume. Because of the molecular make up of ozone, when it breaks down, it forms regular oxygen. Because ozone is not a stable gas, and breaks down into oxygen quickly, it cannot be stored like other cleaning products. Ozone must be generated when it is needed, meaning there is no need to store chemicals in a secure place. These factors make the risks of accidental ingestion nearly non-existent.

Cleanliness and Efficiency

Do the dangers of the cleaners outweigh the effectiveness of how well the cleaners clean? Which ever cleaning products or methods one chooses to use in their home, they must always consider the health risks involved in using certain cleaners. Consider if the effectiveness of the cleaner is worth the risk of use. Which cleaners, and how much weight is put on either the safety or effectiveness of the cleaner is up to the person using them. For thorough disinfecting potential with relatively low health and safety risk involved, ozone is a great alternative cleaner for any home, office or business looking to do away with the commonly used, more dangerous options. Next time you are looking for a safer cleaner for your home, office or business, consider ozone.

Cleaning with Ozone

There is a good chance that you may have heard of ozone before, and how we should protect it from disappearing from the upper most layer of our atmosphere. Other than helping to block the sun’s powerful UV rays, ozone is one of the most versatile, effective natural disinfectants that we have today. As technology continues to advance, so does our ability to utilize ozone in our everyday lives, to combat against germs and viruses. For everything from disinfecting air, solid surfaces, water, and everything in between, ozone has a wide array of cleaning applications and potential. Best of all, levels of ozone concentration can be easily controlled to be completely safe to use while still being 99.99% effective at killing all types of bacteria, virus, fungus, mold and parasites. Here are some ways you can start utilizing the powerful disinfecting potential of ozone today!

For The Air

ozone air cleaning

Starting with the basics. Ozone generators have been a heated debate in recent years. Large commercial ozone generators have been and continue to be a crucial tool for fire and flood restoration specialists. Along with killing all of the usual suspects, bacteria, virus, fungus, mold, parasites, these types of generators are also extremely effective at eliminating unwanted and unpleasant smells. These commercial ozone generators are very good at what they do, but these generators also produce very high concentrations of ozone, that may cause some discomfort to people if they are exposed to it in a confined space. Now, there are ozone generating devices that have similar cleaning effects to their commercial counterparts, while producing only a fraction of the ozone. The level of ozone produced by these Mini Air Purifiers is completely safe and can be used in any room inside your home or office. They are still highly effective at eliminating bacteria, virus, fungus, mold, parasites and smells over a period of time without causing any discomfort to the users. These Ozone Mini Air Purifiers also have a sleek design, making them discrete. They also come with a auto-off timer, ensuring that they only work when you need them to. Ozone Mini Air Purifiers are a great option for cleaning the air in any room or office, just set it, start it, and let it go to work. 

On The Go

In recent years, carrying around bottles of sanitizer and disinfectant wipes seems be the norm. After using these types of sanitizers, especially in the drier months and climates, the alcohol in these products tend to damage hands and skin, to the point of cracking and bleeding. Rather than using Alcohol based sanitizers on your skin and other surfaces, there is now another option which can be just as effective at cleaning as alcohol but without the damaging effects. Using electrolysis, an Ozone Aqua Sterilizer is able to turn normal drinking water into an Ozone charged mist. An Ozone Aqua Sterilizer is great for easily an effectively cleaning all surfaces, whether you are inside, outside or on the go. It is small, portable and can fit right into your pocket, purse or bag. The device is rechargeable, refills with normal drinking water, and works on the push of a button. It is gentle on skin, safe to use around kids, babies, and house pets. What more could you ask for!

In The Kitchen

Food going to waste in the fridge is an unfortunate and recurring reality for most households. Whether it is neglected vegetables in the crisper, left overs that were too good to throw away or some other food that spoiled before its time. Food waste is often also a big money waste, but that can all be avoided. Hold onto your food, and your money a little longer with the power of ozone. An Ozone Fridge Freshener is an ozone generator for your fridge. It is small enough to fit in a corner and powerful enough to disinfect most large fridges. An Ozone Fridge Freshener targets food spoiling bacteria and molds, breaking them down before they have a chance to eat away at all of your delicious food. The Ozone Fridge Freshener will work for an entire month on a single battery charge, and like other produces, works with just a push of a button, ensuring that it only works when you need it to. 

For The Laundry

Doing the laundry can be a chore. And what is worse is that maybe the clothes you are cleaning are not getting completely clean, and may be still hiding some unseen germs in the fabric. Luckily, you do not need to be worried about partially clean, partially soiled clothes any more. With an Ozone Laundry System, you can charge the water going into the washing machine with ozone, effectively killing more bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites hiding on your clothes than with detergent and bleach combined. And of course, ozone leaves your clothes smelling fresh and natural without heavy chemicals. Having an Ozone Laundry System can also work and compliment cleaning with laundry detergent and bleach, except you do not need as much to have exceptionally clean clothes. Use less ans save money on laundry detergent, while still having even cleaner clothes. Less really is more with an ozone laundry system.

oshiner ozone laundry

Now is the best time to try the cleaning and disinfecting potential of ozone. It has never been easier to clean literally every room of your house using minimal chemicals and ensuring a healthier, and cleaner environment for you and your family. Use ozone to clean today and see the results for yourself. You will be delightfully surprised by the transformations you see when you switch to using ozone to clean.

oshiner ozone water treatment

Ozone VS Chlorine Disinfection

“Water is life, and clean water means health.” – Audrey Hepburn

Safe, clean drinking water is essential for a healthy life, and a right for all of humankind to have access to. Unfortunately today, there are many people without access to one of our most basic human needs. Advances in technology have brought clean, drinkable water to billions of people around the world. Billions of people can go into a room in their home, turn on a tap and have access to seemingly crystal clear water on demand. Although the water in most of our homes may seem clean, and for the most part, maybe it is, there are almost always going to be some micro-biotic matter floating around and ending up in our bodies, causing an array of health issues.

Two common ways we have combated these unseeable invaders in our water are with chlorine and ozone. Chlorine is a chemical element that is added to water in small quantities to kill algae and other impurities that could cause illness. Ozone is a molecule comprised of three oxygen atoms stuck together, commonly found blocking the UV rays from the sun in our stratosphere, or at ground level after a lightning storm. Ozone is also a very effective disinfectant, able to kill almost all bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, as well as break down hazardous gases like hydrogen sulfide.


Both Chlorine and Ozone are effective at disinfecting water and have been used to protect municipal water supplies for decades. It has been found that ozone is much faster at disinfecting water and does so more effectively than when compared to chlorine. Ozone disinfects water by oxidizing germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites and metals immediately on contact. After being used, ozone breaks down and returns to a more stable element, oxygen, and leaves no trace of smell, taste or chemical residue. Chlorine on the other hand, once added to water, requires some time to completely dissolve and rid the water of harmful material. However, not all harmful matter can be removed the water with chlorine, such as some metals, gases and chlorine resistant parasites. Chlorine also leaves a distinct chemical smell, taste and residue which over time can be especially annoying and dangerous.


Water disinfected with ozone and or chlorine has multiple applications, the main one being cleaning municipal water supplies in urban areas. While chlorine is most often noticed and easily recognized because of it’s distinct smell and taste, ozone purified water has been used to disinfect municipal water beginning as early as 1906 in Nice, France. Since then, ozone has been becoming a more popular choice for disinfecting water than its counterparts.

Now, Ozone is not only used to disinfect large scale municipal water, but can also be utilized in smaller scale applications thanks to the advancements in technology since the early 1900s. Ozone generating water systems can be easily installed into a home and be used to sterilize water used for doing the laundry, taking a shower, washing dishes, cleaning surfaces, and of course, drinking.


The cost of using chlorine versus the cost of choosing ozone as a disinfectant differ greatly. Chlorine is relatively much more inexpensive initially when compared to the set up of an ozone generating device. Ozone-generating water filters can range in price from a couple of hundred dollars to thousands. That being said, the initial cost to set up an ozone generator is only a one time cost, and will continue to produce a higher quality of water for years after its initial installation. Chlorine is commonly used to disinfect water because it is so cheap, usually costing only cents per liter. When using chlorine to disinfect water, you must constantly replace the chemicals after being used, meaning even though it is so cheap, it is a reoccurring cost and will need to be resupplied indefinitely.


Chlorine for the purpose of disinfecting water is commonly purchased in a solid or liquid state. This makes the transportation and storage of chlorine relatively simple. Chlorine is also a stable element meaning it can be stored for a very long time if it is not being used. Ozone on the other hand is an unstable compound and has a half-life, which means over time, usually in a matter of minutes, ozone molecules will break down and turn back into oxygen. This makes the storage of ozone extremely difficult and impractical. If choosing to use ozone as a disinfectant, ozone must be produced or generated on demand as soon as it is needed.


Ozone and chlorine are both relatively safe ways to disinfect water. Very low, trace amounts of chlorine or ozone in water are completely harmless and can be consumed without worry. However, both have to be used with caution and must be considered thoroughly before being used.

Chlorine in a concentrated state, before being added to water, is extremely poisonous and can cause serious harm or even death if consumed. Once added to water, chlorine is broken down and dissolved, making it less harmful, but not completely. There have been trace amounts of chloroforms and halomethanes found in water disinfected with chlorine, both of which are known cancer causing carcinogens. There are also some waterborne parasites found to be resistant to chlorine, meaning they can also be easily consumed with infected water, causing serious illness.

Ozone is much more effective at killing nearly all viruses, bacteria and parasites, even those resistant to chlorine. Ozone is completely harmless when used in water as it will eventually break down into oxygen, leaving no chemical residue. Ozone as a gas is also completely harmless at low concentrations, although if exposed to very high concentrations of ozone gas, it can cause headaches and some discomfort. 

While chlorine and ozone are used around the world for their disinfection properties, in terms of which one is right for you in your home is completely dependant on your needs and means. There are many things to consider before choosing to use chlorine or ozone as a disinfectant in your home.

Even though the initial cost of using ozone as a disinfectant is higher relative to the cost of using chlorine, it is definitely something to be seriously considered. In the long run, the health benefits and quality of water purified by ozone justify the cost of having an ozone-generating water filter installed in a home. Pure, clean, safe, tasteless drinking water should not be seen as a luxury, but as a necessity for all.

ozone water treatment

8 Reasons Why We Love Ozone Disinfection

Ozone is being used everyday in our fight for a cleaner and healthier life. You may be surprised as to how many individuals and industries choose ozone as a trusted disinfectant, as well as some of the applications in which ozone can be used. Here are eight reasons why we love using ozone as a natural disinfectant, and some reasons why you should too.

Naturally Occurring

Ozone is a compound formed with three oxygen atoms. Ozone is most abundantly found in the Earth’s stratosphere where it blocks a lot of the sun’s harmful UV rays. Ozone can be produced at ground-level and in our atmosphere most predominately when there is a major lightning storm. The distinctive smell produced after a storm is of ozone that has been produced from the lightning strikes. With advancements made in technology, engineers have been able to reproduce the effects that lightning and UV light have on oxygen molecules, and produce ozone on demand and in varying concentrations. Now, harnessing the disinfecting properties of ozone at home, in the workplace, or on the go has never been simpler.

Cleaner Water at Home

Cities and townships across the world have been using ozone to disinfect local water supplies safely and effectively for decades now. It has been reported that ozone is more effective at cleaning water of harmful organic material than chlorine, by a large margin. Arguably best of all, ozone disinfects water without the need of harmful chemicals, leaving the water free of the strong chemical smell or taste. Ozone treated water is 100% safe to drink, clean dishes with, shower with, and even wash laundry with. Because of the disinfecting properties of ozone, you can have cleaner clothes and dishes after washing them with ozone treated water, without the need of regular amounts of soap, saving you time and money in the long run.

Eliminates Smells and Odors

Ozone not only gets rid of contaminates like germs and viruses, but is also able to eliminate odor causing bacteria and gases. For many years, ozone has been used in part as a step in flood and fire restoration, to rid homes and vehicles of smoke and mold damage. If left untreated, smoke and mold can cause serious health issues. Ozone offers a safe and effective treatment for these types of home and car restoration. Ozone can also be used as a preventative measure against common household and automotive odors. For example, keeping the inside of a fridge smelling fresh, eliminating cigarette smells from cars or rooms, clearing bad smells in the washroom or kitchen, and general air purification in every room or enclosed space.

Ozone Preserves Food Longer

Most of us know that feeling of reluctantly throwing out food that has spoiled in the fridge before getting a chance to eat the food. Food waste is a very common and expensive issue. Luckily with ozone, you can hold onto that food a little longer. Ozone is able to attach to and kill food spoiling bacteria. It is commonly used by food processing factories during the packaging process, to safely increase the shelf life of the food without the need of added substances or chemicals. Ozone can also be used at home in your fridge to extend the life of chilled fruits and vegetables.

Gets Rid of Airborne Contaminates

Ozone has the ability to attach to and kill airborne contaminates as well as those on surfaces. All around us at any given time, there could be millions of microbes, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites floating through the air, and landing on items that we use everyday. This is why it is so important to wash our hands, because those viruses and bacteria that land on everyday items become easily attached to our hands and enter our bodies, making us sick or worse. As a form of preventative healthcare, you can quite easily kill those viruses and bacteria before giving them a chance to enter your body and make you or your family unwell. Ozone is able to catch and kill all types of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other harmful organisms both in the air and after they have settled.

Safe Disinfection of Personal Protective Equipment

In recent years, there has been a significant fare up of personal protective equipment (PPE) being worn by health professionals and everyday people. Examples of PPE are face masks , face shields, gloves, biohazard body suits, medical gowns and aprons, among other things. These forms of PPE are essential in our protection against viruses, germs and other pathogens from entering our body or covering our clothes and skin. Ozone is being utilized for its disinfecting properties to safely sanitize PPE when being disposed of to limit the risk of cross-contamination of the dangerous microbes.

Leaves No Chemical Residue

Many common cleaning products, air fresheners and sanitizers use harmful, toxic chemicals to kill bacteria. While being somewhat effective at killing the bacteria, these types of cleaning products pose other health issues, such as leaving behind toxic residues after being used, strong chemical smells, and posing other risks involved in the storage of these types of products. Ozone on the other hand is a much more effective and a safer disinfectant than its alternatives. Ozone does not leave any toxic residues after it is used, nor does it leave a heavy long-lasting smell. Ozone is also produced on demand by an ozone generator, meaning the storage is much safer than having a cabinet filled with harmful chemicals.

Skin Safe

Where some cleaners, especially those in the concentrated form, are very dangerous even to handle without proper protective equipment, ozone posses no such threat and is much safer to handle. It is safe for ozone to come in direct contact with skin without causing any serious skin irritations or reactions. Ozone is strictly regulated in most countries to be under a certain concentration if being used in a home, office or worksite. Because of these regulations, engineers and manufactures must meet strict guidelines when producing ozone generators, limiting if necessary the ozone output of these devices. Meaning the ozone produced by most ozone generators will meet the respective country’s guidelines, ensuring that the level of ozone produced is completely safe for use in the home, office, workplace or anywhere within a space occupied by people.  

Ozone has been used for many years for its effective disinfecting properties. Over the years, technology has continued to advance and engineers continue to produce safer, more effective devices to produce ozone for whatever and wherever it is needed. Ozone is a much safer and effective alternative to a lot of other traditional chemical-based disinfectants and sanitizers. Ozone can be used universally, for cleaning the air, water and surfaces we use everyday, making the world we live in a healthier and safer place to call home.