Is ozone water safe

What is ozone water? Simply put, ozone water is a solution formed by dissolving ozone gas in water. Because of its powerful oxidising properties, ozone is widely used in many fields as it effectively kills bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms. At the same time, because of its instability, it decomposes into oxygen very quickly after disinfection, leaving no harmful residue, which provides a guarantee for its safety. Therefore we answer here: ozone water is very safe.

Very safe for human health:

  1. Rapid decomposition, no harmful residues

Ozone water decomposes quickly into oxygen after use, so it does not accumulate in the body or cause chronic exposure problems. Ozone decomposes in the air at room temperature and pressure, with a half-life of about 15-30 min, while its decomposition in water is much faster than in air, and the by-products of decomposition are mainly hydroxide and oxygen, which will not leave any residue.

  1. Easy to control

Modern ozone water treatment systems usually use automated control technology, which can accurately control the concentration of ozone and contact time, to achieve automatic control and monitoring of the entire treatment process, to prevent possible negative effects and reduce the risk of human operation.

  1. Enhancement of the human immune system

From a health perspective, ozone water strengthens the body’s immune system, reduces acute inflammation and clears viruses immediately after exposure. At the same time, ozone water helps break down synthetic chemicals, purifies the blood of harmful cells, slows the growth of tumours while potentially reducing cancer cells, and promotes brain function.

  1. Safety standards

There are strict national standards for the concentration of ozone water, such as in the treatment of drinking water, the recommended amount of ozone added is 0.5-1mg/L. For more seriously polluted drinking water, the amount of ozone can be increased to 3-6 mg/L, but this concentration is still far below the threshold of concentration harmful to the human body. The concentration of our ozone water treatment products is 0.5-1mg/L, so it is very safe.

Very safe for the natural environment

  1. Rapid decomposition, no pollution

Due to the rapid decomposition characteristics, ozone water will not produce long-term pollution in the environment. After treatment with ozone water, the ozone will quickly decompose into oxygen, leaving no harmful by-products or residues and no secondary pollution to the environment. Most ozone water treatment now replaces traditional chemical disinfectants, reducing many potential environmental risks.

  1. Improvement of water quality

Ozone water effectively removes organic matter and pathogens from water, improving the quality of natural water bodies and drinking water. Municipal water supply systems use ozone water for sterilisation and disinfection to provide safe drinking water to the public. In addition, ozone water can be used in wastewater treatment to help reduce the environmental impact of industrial discharges.

  1. Maintaining natural ecological balance

Ozone water treatment can remove odours and impurities in the water, inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms and improve water quality, which has a positive effect on the protection of aquatic organisms and the maintenance of ecological balance. According to the survey, many zoos, botanical gardens, ecological gardens are now using ozone water treatment equipment.

4.Air Purification

Ozone water can effectively deodorise, sterilize and improve air quality, providing a healthier and fresher living environment. Studies have shown that common bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., can be killed by more than 99 per cent within 15 minutes in an ozone environment.

Ozone water has been widely used in water treatment, air purification, food processing and many other fields since the middle of the 19th century, and its safety and effectiveness have been verified by long-term practice. With the continuous progress and innovation of technology, now the ozone water treatment equipment is more intelligent, efficient and environmentally friendly. In all aspects of our life have its figure appear, living room, kitchen, toilet, etc., at all times for our health and safety escort.

In conclusion, ozone water, as a safe and efficient environmental technology, will continue to play an important role in the future. We are expected to make better use of this technology and make greater contributions to human health and the protection of the ecological environment.

10 Things to Love About Air Purifiers

Do you still use traditional chemical-releasing air ‘fresheners’? Did you know that a good quality air purifier not only freshens the air more effectively than those other air fresheners, but also gets rid of many other harmful air particles, making the air you breathe more healthy for you and your family? Here are ten other reasons why we love air purifiers and why you should also consider having an air purifier in your home right now!

1.Have Better Sleeps At Night

If you’re anything like me, you NEED your sleep. There is nothing worst than not being able to fall asleep at night, watching the time slowly creep by towards the undeniable fact that the alarm to get up and get ready is getting nearer and nearer. And then once you finally get to sleep, you are periodically waken up by the slightest sounds, smells or feeling of unrest. Bottom line, having a good nights sleep is important, not only for your mood, but also for your overall health. Having a sound sleep is made sounder with the help of a good air purifier cleansing the air of any pollutants that may disrupt your precious hours under the covers.

2. Get Rid of Unwanted Smells

We all have had that unfortunate experience of when you walk into a room and an other-worldly smell hits you like a nasty-fragrant freight train. Most Air Purifiers are able to filter out unwanted particles, gases and smells from the air we breathe, leaving only clean, scent-free air.

3. Take the Power of Clean Air With You Wherever You Go

With advancements in technology, Air Purifiers have been made available in many different shapes and sizes. Some purifiers are so compact that they are able to fit in your pocket and be taken literally anywhere and be used whenever they’re needed.

4. Reduce the Risk of Mold in Your Home

Surprisingly, mold is everywhere even if you can’t see it. Mold spores are so small that they can easily attach to your clothes, skin or hair and be carried around with you wherever you go. While relatively harmless to most, Mold can be especially dangerous to anyone with asthma, a sensitive immune system, allergies, et cetera. Having a good quality air purifier can effectively catch and kill mold spores in your home before they are able to cause any potential danger to you or your loved ones.

5. Have a Safer Pregnancy 

Pregnancy is a very delicate time as a woman nurtures a new being into the world. During pregnancy, air pollution can cause complications in the growth of the baby as well as put the mother at risk. High air pollution can cause heart issues, breathing issues, low baby birth weight, or even infant mortality.

For the safety of everyone, especially the baby and their mother, consider the effects and dangers of the quality of air have on them. Give them the best possible start to their new life by giving them clean air to breathe.

6. Protect Your Skin Health

It may not be as common knowledge as some would think, but it is a scientifically proven fact, air pollution damages your skin. Whether it is dust, bacteria, viruses or fungi, having a good air purifier can pull all of the above out of the air so they stay out of your skin and body.

7. Clean the Air While You Work in Your Office

Some people may not realize this, but your office is a perfect environment for producing air pollutants. Things like carpeting, office equipment, and other supplies create and hold onto many different types of dusts and particles, some of which fly through the air and are then easily inhaled.

A good air purifier, especially one with an air filter can effectively catch and eliminate these airborne particles making your office a nicer and safer place to work.

8. Improve Your Mental Health

You don’t have to be a doctor to know, when you go for a stress-free walk through nature, you feel better. Unfortunately, many of us do not have the luxury to take leisurely strolls through beautiful woodlands. Many of us are often bound to the indoors, whether it is in offices, classrooms, workplaces, or just simply sitting at home.

Now of course there are many factors involved in sustaining positive mental health, but one thing that definitely does not help is breathing in polluted air. “Recent studies have shown that pollution is one of the most common culprits of poor mental health. A recent study in America showed that counties with the worst air quality had a 27 percent increase in bipolar disorder and a 6 percent increase in depression, compared to the national average.”

Effects of poor air quality become even more apparent in children and teenagers. The Environmental Health Perspectives recently published a study examining the link between short-term exposure to pollution and health effects in children. Just days after breathing in dirty air, the children’s mental health became noticeably worse.

Since most of us are bound to the ‘great’ in-doors, we can improve the quality of the air we breathe inside easily using air purifiers. Breathe clean air and feel good doing it.

9. Regulate Your Weight and Decrease Your Cravings

If you’re like me, food cravings can come seemingly out of nowhere. It may be after watching an ad or commercial promoting a new burger from xyz fast food restaurant. Other times it could be smelling that distinctive fried food smell coming from out of thin air.

Curb those cravings, at least those smells, with an air purifier. Without the influence of that smoked oil fragrance, you can be one step closer to choosing a healthier alternative for your next meal. It’s the little things that add up and make all the big differences.

10. Live a Longer, Healthier Life

We all need to breathe oxygen to survive, that’s a fact. But the air we breathe does not only contain that sweet O2 that we all need and love. The air is made up of many different types of gases, as well as other airborne particles, or particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter, or PM is usually rated as PM10 which is for things like dust and pollen in the air. There is also PM2.5 and smaller, which is reserved for tiny microscopic particles like pollution, gases, bacteria and viruses.

Of course you don’t want any of these particles inside your body, especially lungs, blood, or other organs as they can cause serious damage over time.

Lucky, there are air purifiers that will eliminate the very smallest particles from the air, keeping them out of your body, leaving only the clean good air for you to breathe.

Some say “PM 2.5 is the largest environmental risk factor worldwide, responsible for many more deaths than alcohol use, physical inactivity or high sodium intake.”

The good news is that a good quality air purifier can effectively get rid of PM2.5 from the air you breathe inside, giving you and your family a longer and healthier life.

oshiner air purifier

2021 Top 5 Used Technologies in Air Purifiers

As a society, we are progressively becoming more and more conscious of what affects our health. Caring for the quality of the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear and even the air we breathe. It probably explains why home-care appliances such as air purifiers have gained a lot of popularity these recent years. Let us briefly explore together the different types of technology used in air purifiers.


High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) is the most popular filtering media used in air purifiers and works by trapping in its meshed structure, the particles present in the air. HEPA removes 99.97% of particulate matter of size less than 0.3 microns, like the dust and pollen in the air that cause allergies. But if the filter is not frequently changed, it can create secondary air pollution because of accumulated pollutant that generate more bacteria and mold. It is also important to note that a higher grade HEPA filter is not necessarily the better. This is because the higher-grade the HEPA filter is, the more compact it become, capturing more particles but allowing less air to flow through. Read more about it in our previous article:How to choose HEPA filter, H11, H12 or H13?

Activated Carbon

Activated Carbon or charcoal is a natural absorbent usually used to filter out smells, smoke and odors present in the air by physical and chemical absorptions. Mostly used as an indoor deodorizer, it is relatively cheap and accessible making it very popular. Activated carbon is not used as a standalone air filter because it does not trap allergens and certain pollutants, and requires frequent replacements because it gets saturated with contaminants rapidly.


Electrostatic Smoke Precipitators (ESP) are electronic air filters working on the principle of corona discharge, removing particles from contaminated air by positively or negatively ionizing them using electrical energy. Then the charged particles are attracted to collectors plates of opposite charge and extracted as dry material (dry ESP) or washed off with water from the collector plates (wet ESP). ESP is capable of removing any sized particles from dirty air but it requires high energy input thus higher energy cost.

UV-C Radiations

Ultra Violet germicidal irradiation or UV-C is emitted to inactivate airborne microorganisms and pathogens present in the air, such as bacteria, mold and viruses. According to its wavelength, UV-C requires more or less time for irradiation to disinfect thoroughly the air against bacteria. But more time, higher numbers are not necessarily the best. With wavelength varying from 200nm to 280nm, the UV-C radiation effectiveness depends exposure time and the type of bacteria it is fighting. To know everything about that, check out our article: Do you know how long does UV lamp take to disinfect?

It is important to remind you that following recommendations and security measures is important to guarantee your safety when using UV-C products because temporary exposure to ultraviolet light can damage your skin and eyes. So stay safe and always wear safety glasses and gloves.

Ozone Generator

Ozone or Activated Oxygen (o3) is one of the most spread disinfection methods used in industries. It is produced using UVC tubes or corona discharge and is used to destroy microorganisms and eliminate spores and viruses. Ozone is also very efficient to neutralize odors, bacteria and germs. We might assume that the most concentration of ozone guarantees the best disinfection but this is not true. Not only that but this can be dangerous. Hight level concentrations of ozone are harmful of your health directly affecting the lungs and respiratory system. Ozone disinfection done right demands proper monitoring that can be achieved with time control. To get more info about ozone concentration for disinfection, read our article: Question: The Higher The Ozone Concentration, The Better?

And don’t miss out on our future articles on air treatment technology.

Sadly, taking care of the house is still a woman’s job!

With this week’s celebration of the International women’s day, we are reminded of two things. The first is the remembrance of all the social, political, economic and cultural achievements of women in our societies and the second is the continuous fight for women’s right and gender equality in the world.

With the restructuring of our societies views on genders and their subsequent roles and parts, firstly in the family setting and secondly in society as large, what have become of the expectations society has on women, more specifically when it comes to managing the house? Going further in that direction, we cannot refrain to ask the question: Is taking care of the house still a woman’s job?

oshiner homecare - housework

Numbers don’t lie. Even while working part-time to full-time jobs, women mostly take upon themselves household and familial responsibilities. With 15.12 hours spent weekly on housework for women compared to a 9.73 hours for men, women are still doing most of the work when it comes to taking care of the home in the US (1). Now, depending on where you come from these numbers may vary but this observation remains constant.

Our purpose is not to shift house chores and cleaning responsibilities to one side, but how do we share the burden between the two.

Even though nowadays people can be so sensitive when we discuss gender, there is no excuse robbing each and everyone of us of our basic responsibilities. House chores and cleaning are everyone’s responsibilities and should not be gender based and if you think they must be, you probably need some help.

We live in a world of balance, tip towards one side and imbalance is what you get. The family setting is one great example of where this concept of “balance” plays a role. For example, we can all agree that a child needs to be raised. Whether this is done by both parents or a single parent. Of course, it is always best if both parents participate. The idea here is in the raising of the child and instilling values in him/her that will impact his community positively even when you as a parent are long gone.

Same with cleaning, your home (bought or rented) is likened to a baby that constantly needs looking after. Now who does the cleaning of it (man or woman) is not necessarily the main point but why we should keep these places clean. And of course, it’s always best if both participate in the cleaning.

Now that you understand my point, being hygienic and being able to keep your house clean, for the various benefits is far more significant than who does it.

Let us take the family setting of a husband and wife, since I can’t speak for the boyfriend and girlfriend that decided to cohabitate but have not committed themselves to each other for a lifetime. And yes I can see you already collecting stones to throw at me, but be of good cheer, this is no big deal.

So, for the married, cleaning and doing house chores together has been mentioned to be one thing that strengthens the bond of love between partners.

If your wife is tired or under the monthly order of things, under visitation let us say, please sir, by all means clean the house, wash those dishes, cook that quick meal you happened to have stumbled upon on YouTube. Loving your wife is shown in the small things that improve her health and your family’s. Women, the same goes out to you. (And all the men and women applauded.)

In this pandemic, there is no questioning the importance of home cleanliness, as many people are working remotely from home and as we are now spending over 80% of our time in doors, surrounded by the ones we love.

There is so much that we would love to write but my word count will not permit me. In conclusion, chores are not based on gender. Man or woman, keep your house clean for the sake of your loved ones. Do not run away from this basic responsibility.

[Source]: (1)