spring is in the air - pollen allergy

Spring is in the Air

Spring has sprung! The snow is melting, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming. Springtime is a time for renewal and regrowth. Many of us look forward to the refreshed environment brought by the changing of the seasons, especially after those long and cold winters. Alternatively, there are some who dread springtime and the challenges it brings. Those of us who suffer from dust and pollen allergies and sensitive immune systems must always be on guard during this time especially.

Every time we go outside or open a window, could be a chance to have an allergic reaction, have difficultly breathing, get a scratchy throat, develop a cold or flu, and rely on different medications while experiencing discomfort for weeks or months on end. Spring should be a time to rejoice for all and feel the freshness that comes with the season, not a time to shut one’s self inside in fear of getting sick.

For those of us with a seasonal allergy or who expect yearly colds or flu’s brought on by the change of weather and environment, there is a way to enjoy all of the beauty of spring, not just from the sidelines. Ozone, while vital for our atmosphere keeping the oxygen on Earth for all of us to breath, also serves another purpose. Ozone is one of nature’s best and more efficient cleansers against bacteria, viruses, fungi, microbes, dust, pollen and harsh odors.

With ozone disinfection, there is no more need to fear the spring, as there is now a way to enjoy the changes in the environment first-hand rather than through a closed window or bedside.

Dust and Pollen

A word almost synonymous with “spring” for many people is “allergy”. Springtime means a wide regrowth of flowers, shrubs, grass, crops, and with all of the regrowth comes pollen. Pollen is the powdery substance produced by vegetation to pollinate or reproduce with other like-plants. This pollen is necessary for ensuring the health and growth of vital food crops, oxygen-producing trees, plants and shrubs.

Pollen is an essential part of the life cycle for plants and in turn all life on Earth. The effects that pollen has on people however is not as romantic. When pollen is floating through the air and come in contact with people who have pollen allergies, effects on that person can range from a runny nose, to difficulty breathing or worse depending on the severity.

Dust is also a common occurrence especially during springtime. Those who possess dust allergies experience similar symptoms to those with pollen allergies. Usually, but not always, these two allergies are overlapping, meaning those with pollen allergies will also be sensitive to dust, and vise versa.

One of the best defenses against unwanted pollen is having a good air purifier. Air purifiers, whether in your home, such as the Mini Air Purifier, or on the go like the Car Air Purifier, eliminate pollen and dust from the air. Ozone is used by the Mini Air Purifier to attach itself to the pollen and dust, breaking them down and weighing them down so that they are no longer harmful and one longer airborne. What ozone is not being used is simply converted back into breathable oxygen. In the Car Air Purifier, a HEPA (or High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filter is used to catch the smallest airborne dust, pollen, bacteria, spore, virus microbes. It accomplishes this by having incredibly fine static fibers in the filter, able to catch the smallest pollutants, leaving only clean air to pass through back into the environment.       


The changing of season also awakes dormant pathogens, releasing them back into the environment. This, paired with a change in temperature creates the perfect recipe for provoking underlying symptoms or sensitive immune systems to illness. Spring time is when sensitive groups of people should be extra cautious about their environment, to ensure that they stay healthy by limiting the risk of cross contamination by keeping their immediate surrounding and daily objects sterile.

One of the most common disinfectants to use is alcohol, but using alcohol daily also has its disadvantages. Alcohol is poisonous if consumed, harmful to skin after prolonged use, cause skin, eyes, throat, lung irritations, as well as other more serious side effects.

Ozone, while also requiring some precautions when using, is just as effective at disinfecting surfaces as alcohol, without the serious side-effects. Ozone produced by Oshiner’s Aqua Sterilizer, Fridge Freshener, or other related products is completely safe on skin, as well as food safe and safe if ingested. Ozone can be used to sanitize specific areas and surfaces, without leaving any chemical residue, while leaving a neutral-freshness.

Ozone disinfection works on many levels, in many ways, and in different settings. O3 is an extremely adaptable and effective tool that can be used to lower the risk of allergic reactions due to dust or pollen, as well as eliminate seasonal influenza. By switching to ozone for your air purification and sanitation needs, you no longer need to suffer during the changing of the season, but rather more easily enjoy it in all of it’s beauty.

Spring is a time of regrowth, rebirth and rejoice. Everyone should have the ability to enjoy the changes of spring without having to worry about getting sick or suffering from allergies. Using ozone around the home or on the go can significantly reduce the risk of these ailments and more, by purifying the environment around you, both air and surfaces. Try ozone, and take back control over your life, while enjoying all that life has to offer.

Ozone for the Washroom

A washroom can be an oasis or a dishevelment. If neglected for even a short while, the washroom can change from a room of relief to a room of disgust and despair. Even a short trip to an otherwise spotless washroom can change the whole atmosphere from one of flowery aromas and clinic-ly clean appliances to a bio-hazardous bilge.

The washroom, like any other room in one’s house, requires regular and rigorous upkeep, even more so than other rooms because of the nature of its purpose. We go to the washroom to cleanse our bodies of dirt and waste, but it is also our responsibility to cleanse our washrooms of dirt and waste as well.

As a clean washroom adds to the overall environment of a healthy home, it is also often the most judged room in a house by its cleanliness, which also reflects on the standards of it’s owners. However, proactively keeping a washroom clean doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the use of ozone-generating appliances, such as Oshiner’s Air Purifier, Aqua Sterilizer, and Bin Deodorizer, keeping a washroom clean, healthy, and smelling great has never been easier!


A defining characteristic often associated with washrooms in general is ‘smell’. The smell of a washroom is the first thing people tend to notice and judge when entering the room. Whether the smell is ‘lovely’ or ‘horrendous’ or somewhere in between, smell can often play a huge impact on the state of cleanliness of the washroom.

There are many ways to combat unwanted smells in the washroom. The most popular choice is to just ‘cover’ the smell in stronger smelling products or scents, such as aerosol ‘fresheners’, popery, or candles. Another more reliable way is of course finding the source of smell, and removing it. When the source of the smell is removed, there is often a ‘lingering’ smell that sticks around and continues to pester the senses. These lingering smells are much harder to locate, and especially difficult to remove.

For the smells and ‘messes’ you can’t see, don’t just cover them with heavier scents, but use ozone. Ozone, or the triple-bonded oxygen molecule O3, has many uses in our natural world, and can be applied in our home. Ozone’s main purpose in our natural environment is to block harmful UV rays from entering our atmosphere, keep necessary oxygen from escaping our atmosphere, but also makes a highly-efficient disinfectant against bacteria, viruses, fungi, dust and odors.

With Oshiner’s Air Purifier, you can produce ozone on demand in a washroom to search out odor-causing bacteria so you don’t have to. Instead of putting your nose down and around those hard-to-reach areas to find those lingering smells, let ozone work for you, to find and eliminate unwanted smells. Whether the source is from the trash bin, stale water, or any other area, ozone will break down the smelly-bacteria, leaving a fresher scent and cleaner environment.

Cleaning Surfaces

The majority of these smells, often coming from bacteria breeding areas, are on a surface somewhere in your washroom. There are many areas where bacteria, viruses and fungi may be multiplying right now! For instance, inside your sink, toilet, bathtub, cabinets, ground, daily hygiene products, anywhere and everywhere you can see, especially the places you can’t, has the potential to inhabit illness-causing microorganisms.

For the places you can’t see, ozone gas is an effective option to eliminate these unwanted inhabitants. For the areas more easy accessible, and more highly-used, ozone can still be a valid cleaning option. Ozone-infused water can be used as a more direct approach for concentrating the cleaning capabilities of ozone to a specific area. How Oshiner’s Aqua Sterilizer works is by creating ozone-rich water in a ergonomic spray-bottle, so that you can spray the ozone-dense water on any surface you wish to disinfect, or sterilize. Ozone-charged water has all of the same cleaning capabilities of ozone gas, with the added advantage of being able to be directed to a specific area or surface where it is needed most.

Health and Safety

The biggest concern for using any type of cleaning product is it’s safety of use. Ozone is no different, and must be used appropriately to be safe. However, in comparison to other common sterilizers such as alcohol, bleach and ammonia, ozone is a much safer alternative. Ozone leaves no chemical residue when it’s used, meaning you can sterilize toothbrushes, towels, glassware, brushes, anything we use on our bodies without the risk of irritation or poisoning.

Ozone also has the added benefit of promoting improved blood circulation in our skin, in contrast to other skin-damaging cleaning products. When ozone is finished sterilizing the targeted area, it continues to break itself down to return to a more stable state, which is breathable O2 oxygen. Ozone in it’s nature is unstable, meaning it wants to create oxygen bonds of two, rather than three. Because of this characteristic in ozone, it makes storing ozone gas very difficult. To remedy this, ozone is produced on demand, eliminating the need for storage or constant repurchasing and replenishing like other cleaners. Just simply make the ozone you need, when you need it, leaving nothing to waste. 


With the many hiding places and breeding grounds for bacteria, germs, viruses, fungi and odors in one’s washroom, it is imperative that one keeps cleanliness a top priority. Whether you are cleaning multiple surfaces, eliminating illness-causing bacteria and viruses, or removing revolting and stagnant smells, ozone is your best all-in-one line-of-defence against all of these issues.

Have ozone work for you around the clock to eliminate bad odors, kill bacteria and viruses on commonly used surfaces, and protect your family, giving them an all-around clean environment to enjoy. Include ozone in your cleaning-product arsenal, and you will soon see that ozone is the only tool you need to address all of these problems, and more. Try ozone today, and experience the results for yourself.

Food Safety With Ozone

The kitchen is a crucial area of any home. It is a common gathering place, a place where we prepare food, talk, laugh, and share stories. The kitchen is also a very popular breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, molds, and odors. Because of the significance of the kitchen and the severity of what could happen if these viruses and other pathogens are allowed to multiply unchecked, it is of the upmost importance that we treat the kitchen with respect, and take the cleanliness of our kitchens seriously, making sure it continues to be a safe place for sharing and preparing food.

Bacteria and other serious germs know no boundaries. They will occupy any place they can. Common places include, but are not limited to your fridge, water supply, kitchen surfaces, trash, floors, behind or under counters, literally anywhere and everywhere is a potential germ territory. With so much ground to cover, it can seem overwhelming to know where to start in our fight back against germs and their infectious capabilities.

Often, the best place to start is with choosing the right tool for the job. And the right tool for your fight against bacteria, viruses, dust, odors, mold, fungi, and all other microscopic pests is ozone. Recent studies have tested and proven ozone to be one of the greatest natural disinfectants against these mini infectors. Ozone attaches to and breaks down the cell membranes of these tiny household invaders and oxidizes them, leaving them immobilized and no longer a threat to our health and well-being.

Unsure of how to harness the awesome capabilities of ozone? There are now many products available to the public to produce safe levels of ozone on demand for all of your disinfecting needs. These products and the ozone produced by them, are a much safer alternative to other alcohol and chemical based cleaning products such as isopropyl alcohol, chlorine bleach, or aerosol sprays. Unlike it’s chemical product counterparts, ozone is completely food-safe, skin-safe, child-friendly, odor-less, and produces oxygen when it is finished working, leaving no harmful residues.

Here are just some of the ways you can use ozone in your kitchen to make a safer environment for you and your family.

In the Fridge

The fridge is a relatively modern appliance in our kitchens that has quickly become an essential part of keeping food chilled and fresh longer. For nearly 100 years, fridges have stored drinks, vegetables, fruit, meat and other foods that would quickly spoil otherwise. Yet, even with an amazing invention like a refrigerator, food and drinks will still undergo natural decomposition at some point, and usually sooner than we would like.

Mini ozone generators have been developed specifically for this purpose, to prolong the decomposition process even more than just with cold temperatures alone, as well as eliminate the unpleasant odors sometimes produced by pungent smelling foods. Having an ozone-generating fridge freshener will also clean proactively, reducing the risk of bacteria reproducing on the food, or spreading to other foods.


One thing many of us may take for granted is having clean drinking water access at the turn of a tap. Whenever we need to cook, clean or just have a drink of water, it is right there for us, and we often trust that it is healthy to use.

But even in the clearest water, there is the potential of bacteria, virus, gaseous, parasitic, heavy metal and mineral contamination. Ozonating the water, in tandem with proper filtration, is the best line of defense against aqua contaminators and the best chance in producing the cleanest water at home. Not only is ozone-charged water much healthier to cook with or consume compared to it’s alternative, chlorine water, but with ozone, there is less odor, less taste, more health benefits and more secondary cleaning benefits. Water infused with ozone will continue to breakdown bacteria and viruses when washing other things with it like vegetables, dishes, cutlery, counter tops and surfaces.


Whether it is in it’s gaseous state or when combined with water, ozone makes a perfect all-round general disinfectant for all areas around the kitchen. Because of it’s unstable nature, ozone is not easily stored like other chemical cleaners. Ozone must be produced on demand when and where it is needed to clean. Engineers have developed ingenious ways to produce the perfect amount of ozone, as a gas or combined with water in a spray, to clean all areas of your home with ease.

Products sure as the Mini Air Purifier produces ozone gas safely and whenever it is needed, attaching to and eliminating airborne bacteria and viruses before they have the chance to land on and contaminate kitchen surfaces. Other products like the Aqua Sterilizer combines regular drinking water with ozone to spray directly on counter tops, handles, sinks, floors and other commonly soiled areas.


With many applications and ways to use ozone in the kitchen, eliminating harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, dust and odors is as easy as a push of a button. There are many ozone-producing products currently on the market that are as specific or as general as need be for your intended use. Ozone effectively and safely sanitizes all areas of the kitchen, as well as the food directly, leaving no unpleasant smells, tastes, pathogens or harmful residues.

Introduce ozone to your kitchen, and experience a next-level clean that will wow everyone, including yourself. Not only is ozone a great all-around disinfectant that is safe to use, but also provides a safe food environment that you can continue to share with confidence and reassurance to your friends and family. 

Cleaning Up After Pets

Pet lovers love their pets. Those who accept the responsibility of owning a pet, also should take on the responsibility of feeding them, bathing them, giving them fresh water, shelter, and of course, cleaning up after them.

Pets can tend to be a little messy, and it seems to be that the bigger the pet is, the bigger the mess will be. Whether it be odors, urine, mud or bacteria, if you can’t stay ahead of the mess, it can quickly build up and become unmissable.

With all the responsibilities of pet ownership, the most time consuming, labour-intensive part is of course the clean up. Luckily, ozone can help with nearly all aspects of the cleaning the mess, and giving everyone a more comfortable environment to live.

Ozone is not only a main and vitally important part of our atmosphere, but also works as an effective sterilizer for around the house. With newly developed technology and ozone-generating products, ozone can be produced safely and on demand, eliminating odors, bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold and dust effectively, aiding in the seemingly never-ending cleanup.


One thing that is often noticed before seeing your pet is it’s smell. If the smell of your pet is strong and undeniably noticeable, it can often cause distance between you and your pet, like an invisible, smelly-barrier.

It is common and completely natural for pets to have their own smell that is produced by there bodies or as a product of their environment. Sometimes their smell becomes familiar and comforting. Other times, the smell can become unbearable, intolerable or down-right disgusting.

Frequent baths for your pet can be time consuming if done by yourself, or costly if done by others. As an alternative to bathing often or pet deodorants, ozone can be utilized to eliminate the harsh smells.

Ozone is safe on pet skin, instantly eliminating excess bacteria which produce the unpleasant smells. Ozone doesn’t just cover up the smell like most shampoos and deodorants, but gets rid of the cause of the smells, protecting the animal’s skin, and leaving a fresh natural scent.

Ozone also has the added bonus of increasing oxygen in the skin, improving blood quality and circulation. Ozone therapy on animals is currently being practiced with the benefits being recorded across vet clinics around America and Europe.

Urine and Feces

A pet’s bodily functions, like our own, are a reality. Before a pet becomes house-broken, there is a learning-curve to be dealt with. This means that mistakes will be expected, guaranteeing that urine and feces will be part of the clean up.

There are positive and negative ways to train a pet how and where to “do their business”, but as for cleaning up their “business”, you have options. There are of course the common-household cleaners, that are highly-concentrated, alcohol-based, and extremely toxic. There are also the “pet friendly” alternatives that may or may not work as advertised.

One option that will work, is ozone. Ozone gas or fused with water, can easily and effectively assist with cleaning up the smelliest, and or wettest messes, leaving no toxic residue and no lingering smell. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about if it will harm your pet, because it is 100% natural and dissolves into oxygen when it is finished eliminating the left-behind bacteria and odors.

Mud and Water

Pets that go outside have the tendency to bring a little bit of the outside, inside with them. What comes inside with them is dust, dirt, moisture, mud, which is then tracked around the house, possibly to the furniture, and then onto it’s occupants.

It can be good practice to clean your pet’s paws and fur as they are coming back into the house from their nature walks, but clean them with what? Of course you would want something gentle on their paws, fur, and skin. You would also want something that effectively cleans the mud and dirt off of your pet, without hassle or harm.

Ozone is a great option for cleaning your pet before re-entering your home. Ozone sticks to dust particles so that they do not become airborne when leaving your pet. Ozone also gets rid of any bacteria or odors that may be tagging along on your pet, waiting for the perfect opportunity to release and reproduce.

Don’t give dirt and bacteria a chance to infect you, your pet or your family. Use ozone to stay one step ahead, and proactive against germs.


Every animal carries bacteria. Luckily the bacteria that is produced naturally by people is generally harmless to ourselves. Likewise, the bacteria produced by animals is harmless to themselves.

That being said, bacteria that is not produced by ourselves is foreign and can cause us to become ill or worse. Once ill, our bodies need to work especially hard in an already difficult situation to try and fight these foreign bacteria, sometimes leading to the need of medicine or medical attention.

Protect yourself, your family, and your pets from these foreign bacteria and viruses with ozone.


While we love our pets, they require extra care. Not only is it necessary to feed them, give them fresh water, shelter, bathe them, but of course, it is also necessary to clean up after them.

Cleaning up after your pet can seem endless, tasking, and messy. Luckily, ozone can help with nearly all aspects of the clean up, from odors to bacteria. Ozone makes clean ups a breeze, leaving a clean, fresh and safe environment for you and your pets.

Don’t just ignore the mess, stay ahead of it. Cleaning doesn’t have to be a task, make it a breeze, with ozone. 

Clean Sparkle Shine Part II

As we have seen in the past, ozone has many applications when cleaning around the house. In gas form or when bonded with water, ozone is an extremely effective disinfectant. With the ability to instantly eliminate almost all forms of bacteria, viruses, fungi, microscopic parasites, odors, dust and other common irritants, ozone is revolutionizing the way we clean.

From ease of use, the many applications, the effectiveness of cleanliness, ozone is the smart choice for anyone looking to make any space a bit more fresh, and a whole lot healthier.

This is a continuation of the last blog, Clean, Sparkle Shine Part I where we mention areas in our daily lives that can be positively effected by ozone. In this blog, we will talk about the cleaning difference ozone can make in one’s fridge, trash bin, and drinking water. These three things are some of the most common sources of germs and dirt in our homes, and require regular cleaning and sanitizing.

Disinfecting the fridge

When thinking about the dirty areas of our kitchens, perhaps we will think the sink, trash bin, or even ground. While these areas can indeed become rightfully messy, and require regular upkeep, there is another area that is often overlooked. It is in our nature to stray away from seemingly redundant work, or shying away from cleaning something if it is not visibly soiled. That being said, even things that seem clean can be riddled with illness-causing bacteria or viruses.

Our fridges hold our food, keep vegetables and meat fresh, and our drinks cold. A fridge is a fundamental appliance in many households, yet fridges are often neglected from being cleaned for weeks, months, even years at a time. After all, if it does not look dirty, then why should it be cleaned?

A fridge can easily appear to be clean, but in reality be filled with odor and possible illness caused by bacteria and mold, waiting to hitch a ride with the food inside. These bacteria, viruses and mold can not only have the potential to make us sick, but they can also cause the food in the fridge to breakdown and spoil more quickly, wasting the food and wasting money.

With the addition of an ozone-generating device in your fridge, such as Oshiner’s Fridge Freshener, you can add ozone into the air of your fridge, eliminating all bacteria, virus and fungus that may be hiding. Adding ozone into the air of your fridge also has the added bonus of keeping veggies tasting fresher and lasting much longer. 

Eliminating Germs and Odors

Hiding in the kitchen, either behind a cupboard door or stuffed in the corner is the inevitable trash bin. The trash bin is also a nesting ground for bacteria and odors. Bathrooms, bedrooms, any room, the trash bin knows no boundaries in terms of rooms it may be breeding germs and odors.

There are smartly designed devices which add small amounts of ozone into the trash bin to get rid of any possible lurching bacteria. Devices like the O3 Bin Deodorizer are designed specifically to set inside of a trash bin lid, eliminating any and all bacteria, viruses, fungi and odors. In summary, ozone cleaning your garbage, keeping you safe and breathing clean, smell-less air.

Cleansing water

It is a blessing to have clean drinking water, as there are unfortunately some without that basic need. Even with the privilege of water, there still may be something inside that would cause illness or odor or taste. Ozone is great at disinfecting water and eliminating any of the unseeable ailments. That is why ozone has been used at a municipal level to disinfect communal water supplies.

If you have any taste or smells in your water, chemical or earthy, try ozone. There are ozone generating devices that clean household water, producing cleaner, fresher, purer water.

In conclusion, ozone has a wide range of uses in our homes and daily lives. From disinfecting the air we breath, sanitizing the surfaces we use, to keeping our fridges fresh, our trash bins free of odor, and our water supply in our homes, ozone can enhance the cleaning routine in all of our homes.

Give ozone a try, and experience first-hand the cleaning potential of ozone. More versatile than disinfecting with alcohol, without the risk of drying out skin or causing illness if ingested, there is very little risk when using ozone.

Introducing ozone into your home can be done incredibly simply with little-to-no setup, and with ease of use as basic as a push of a button, you owe it to yourself and your family to live in a cleaner, fresher environment.

Clean Sparkle Shine Part I

The demand for time is increasing every day. How often do you think to yourself, “I wish I had more time” or “I don’t have time for this” or “I will do it next time”. One thing is for certain, there will always be the same amount of time each day, twenty-four hours.

Aside from sleeping, eating, washing, commuting, working and running errands, there is not always much time at the end of the day to focus on personal things, let alone cleaning. If everything needs to get done, especially making time for yourself, and everything needs time, then where do we find the time to do everything? 

People are busy, and how they spend their precious time is up to them and depends on many factors. When there is something, or someone who is able to ‘free up’ some time, we rightly see value in that because that something or someone allows us to use our time to do other things.

Now, there is a way to have an incredibly clean living, commuting, working environment without using up any more of your time. With increasingly innovative products, cleaning one’s home, car or office can be done quite easily, and actually save you some time in the long run. It is similar to having a maid and all of the cleaning supplies all in one and on demand.

Utilizing the cleaning potential of ozone in a gas or combined with water can clean virtually every corner of your home with 99.99% efficiency against bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other harmful micro-organisms. Ozone in the gas state is great for cleaning the air against such irritants, as well as smells and dust particles. Ozone when combined with water is great for disinfecting surfaces, clothes, skin and the water itself. Ozone is completely skin and child friendly and is safe to ingest when combined with water.

Ozone has many applications in our day to day lives already, it is all around us, cleaning, and in some cases, saving people from illness, and saving others a bit of time.

Fresh Air

Want to get rid of a lingering odor? Ozone is perfect for catching smells and sickness caused by bacteria and viruses floating through the air. Of course there are regulations in place for how much ozone is allowed in a given space, but devices that are being made today have integrated technology to produce the perfect amount of ozone and turn off when it is no longer needed.

As stated by federal occupational health and well-being professions, ozone concentration should stay around or below 0.10 parts per million. Of course it is extremely difficult to tell by smell alone how much 0.10 ppm of ozone is, but most ozone gas producing devices are set to release the perfect amount of ozone as needed. There are also devices available to detect and measure accurately the ozone concentration in the air, in a given space.

The smell of ozone is alike to the sweet smell in the air after a lightening show. Lightening separates the oxygen atoms in the air from their bonds, creating a reaction that produces ozone. Our upper-most atmosphere here on earth is all ozone. UV rays shot off from the sun are both blocked and absorbed by the ozone-layer, which allows for breathable oxygen to be kept here with us.

That’s ozone in a nutshell! Blocking harmful UV rays, keeping oxygen in breathing distance, and now killing bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other harm-causing microbes in our homes, as well as many other places.

Car Freshener

Have you ever thought about the air quality in your personal car, or any car for that matter. Well, surprisingly or unsurprisingly, it is possible to bring ozone with you in the car. Public transportation services such as buses, trains, subways, airplanes all have air filtration devices to keep the air fresh and keep the air clean. Many of these filtration systems also use ozone to kill bacteria and viruses passing through the filters, keeping them out of the recirculated air.

These types of devices are currently available that are able to be easily installed in to your own car. Cars easily produce unpleasant smells for obvious reasons. Ozone is perfect for getting rid of those smells, and replace them with a nice, crisp, natural scent that you can easily distinguish as clean.

Aqua Sterilizer

Taking ozone with you literally wherever you go is also easier than ever. Turn normal drinking water into a highly-efficient sanitizer, with ozone. Ozone infused water is just as effective for cleaning as ozone gas. With ozonated water, you can disinfect surfaces before you touch them, and know that you are safe from extracting foreign bacteria and nasty viruses.

In a compact and conveniently stowable size, water is added to the smart ozone device. A small electric current separates the oxygen atoms from some of the water molecules, creating the perfect recipe to make some ozone. That ozone is then transferred by a mist of water to the surfaces or area to sanitize and clean. Ozone is able to kill 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, instantly!

Now, with the cleaning power of ozone and a range of innovative ozone producing devices, keeping your home, office, and car free of germs, viruses and parasites has never been easier. Where before, when cleaning was a chore that would last several minutes or hours or more, now cleaning with ozone is literally easier than ever before.

oshiner ozone aqua sterilizer
oshiner ozone aqua sterilizer

With less time spent on cleaning, you can now spend more time with the people you care about, and more time to do the things you love to do. Unfortunately, we cannot add or take away hours from the day, but what we can do is focus on the things we love, and know that we didn’t have to sacrifice having a clean home for ‘more time’. Have your cake, and eat it too, and clean with ozone so you can free up some of your time.