Ozone vs Odors

When it comes to disinfection and home care, ozone has many applications and uses to keep your home, car or workplace environment clean, healthy and smelling fresh. Modern ozone generators are able to produce safe levels of ozone concentration that are still powerful enough to catch and kill 99.99% of germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other common contaminates. Ozone has the power to clean and eliminate some of the most dangerous microscopic home invaders, the ones so small that they are invisible. This is impressive of course, but how does ozone work against smells? What are smells, how are they made, and are bad smells immune to the disinfecting power of ozone?

Ozone is something that we hear mentioned regularly, but what exactly is ozone? The ozone that we commonly hear about in the news is most likely referring to the ozone layer. The ozone layer in the sky acts as a barrier between our atmosphere and space. The ozone in the sky helps to block harmful UV rays admitted by the sun, keeping our planet cool and temperatures stable. Ozone is a naturally occurring molecule containing three oxygen atoms. The oxygen that we usually breathe has two oxygen atoms, but when the oxygen is separated by a catalyst, it will sometimes rejoin into groups of three, creating ozone.

The most common catalysts to separate oxygen into individual atoms is electricity and UV light. Electricity at a high enough voltage is able to separate each oxygen molecule into its individual parts, and then because of oxygen’s atomic characteristics, the oxygen will rejoin into ozone or standard oxygen. The ozone is then utilized as a disinfectant and can be used around the house or on the go to clean the air, water or surface contaminates. Ozone as a gas is very unstable and it wants to break down into standard oxygen with two oxygen atoms instead of three. The spare oxygen atom from ozone is then passed to other molecules and used to break those molecules down or alter them so that they are not harmful to humans.

What causes odors?

Ever walk into a room and notice a lingering smell or odor that is unpleasant or unwanted. Most common household odors are caused by a source, and that source is usually bacteria or a manufacturing byproduct. Some bacteria produce gases that are pungent and extremely foul smelling. These bacteria stockpiles are usually found in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, basements and home offices. A lot of smelly bacteria stockpiles are hard to find, as in most cases they are invisible to the human eye or in hard-to-reach areas. The longer these germ depots sit and fester, the more offensive the smells can become. These types of odors are nearly impossible to hide, no matter how much air freshener you spray, the smell will always return unless it is dealt with at the source.

How does ozone eliminate odors?

We know that common household odors are usually caused by a bacteria source. We also know that ozone is a great, highly-effective natural disinfectant. Ozone can be utilized in multiple ways to work at finding and eliminated the hard-to-find, hard-to-reach bacteria piles. Lets look at how ozone can be used to disinfect all three states of matter; Liquid or water, gas or air, and solid or common household surfaces.


Ozone generators for purifying water work especially well by not only cleaning the water, but also cleaning other objects that come in contact with the purified water. Ozone gas in water eliminates the contaminates hiding in the water, which could be bacteria, parasites, viruses, gases and some heavy metals or minerals. Ozone gas in water has a lifespan or half-life of about 30 minutes, meaning during that 30 minutes, the ozone is still working and cleaning any contaminates that may be in the water, or any contaminate that comes in contact with the ozone charged water. Ozone in water is perfectly fine for consumption, after 30 minutes or so, the ozone will have completely broken down, cleaned nearly all contaminates, and dissolve back into pure oxygen and clean H2O.

? Air

Purifying the air with ozone is becoming more and more common in households and workplaces that are constantly occupied by people. Ozone generators that are designed to purify the air in areas with high amounts of human traffic, generate ozone concentration levels that are safe for people but not for germs. These types of generators turn on only when they are needed and easily turn off by a push of a button or by a preset timer. These ozone disinfectors are great for any indoor space that accumulate bacteria and smells, such as kitchens, washrooms, basements and offices.

? Surface

Even commonly used surfaces can be disinfected using ozone. Ozone can be used along with water to disinfect all types of surfaces. The ozone water mixture can be applied to counter tops, tables, chairs, door handles, appliances, glassware, anywhere that could potentially harbour germs or viruses.

While there are many ways today to disinfect all areas of your home, car or workplace, there are not many products that can disinfect all areas effectively. Ozone is one of those products that CAN disinfect all types of living or working spaces, especially in areas that are hard-to-reach and hard-to-see. Bacteria hiding in these hard-to-reach and hard-to-see areas often produce foul smells and lingering odors, effecting the overall environment in that space. Get rid of germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi and SMELLS using ozone disinfection. Ozone generators can be utilized for effectively disinfecting all states of matter, and does it easily and worry-free. Use the cleaning power of ozone and transform the quality of your life today.